A podcast for global connection and dialogue
in service to the rising tide of change, with a feminine twist.

New Pisces Moon with Wendy Groomes*


We’re seven days into Mercury Retrograde at the birthing of this Piscean New Moon.

Many of you’ve probably felt the initiations of Mercury slowing down the week of February 9th, just before the planet of communication turns “backward.” The pre-Retrograde time period sometimes brings a storm of chaotic energy just before it’s official.

We mention this Mercury Retrograde because it’s in dynamic union with this New Moon.

With both Mercury, the Moon, and the Sun in watery Pisces, we may feel more emotional than usual, or empathically sensitive.

Bear in mind, soul, + heart – Mercury Retrograde is not bad. It’s only when we as people, culture, businesses, etc. don’t adhere to the calling of retrograde energy that we tend to experience more bumps in the road than usual.

Mercury Retro wants us to REST, RENEW, RESTORE, REVISIT, RECONSIDER, REGROUP, i.e., take more naps, go on vacation, get a massage, unwind, breathe more, space out…stop forcing everything into forward motion—go with the FLOW!

Especially in Pisces – it’s all about going with the flow, AND we may need to have more boundaries to respect the inner sanctuaries that can be created, cultivated, and nourished at this time.

Although Mercury in Pisces can lack clarity, maybe giving mixed messages, lacking discernment (be mindful about spacing out too much with drink and/or drugs) its conjunction (aka > right up close) to the New Moon brings a new instinctual knowing, which births out of action/reaction to the various milieu of our lives— providing a perfect alchemical time for tapping into intuitive messages from our union with the Divine.

Mars moves out of fiery Sagittarius and into earthly practical Capricorn on the New Moon, lending ease and grace in establishing our desired changes to come forth, and asking for us to apply some elbow grease action as well towards nurturing our inner vision and our intuition in clarifying our personal role in the collective unconscious (Pisces).

Mars is also squaring Chiron (the wounded healer—turn into medicine, what your wounds have afforded you to bring forward as medicine – only healed! – into the world).

Mars wants to initiate. Chiron in Aries (right now) reflects the wounds of the masculine (too aggressive, not assertive enough, how to stand on their own without others). These two in a 3rd quarter square (see definition below) catalyzes a crisis of belief—a questioning of all motivations of prior actions. Detachment from prior social spheres may be required for healing to emerge.

At the same time, Venus (our inner self, our bodies, our money, our appetites, love desires) is also in Aries (do it my way, independence, hot) in a SQUARE aspect to Jupiter (expansion, benefic, blessings) in Capricorn (stern, knows its limitations, cold).  

In Evolutionary Astrology, 1st quarter squares are considered, a crisis in action and asks, “what specific form do I take, in this time of great intense activity?”  This is an opportunity to forge foundations, asking who am I?

Venus will then move into a 1st Quarter SQUARE with Pluto (what we obsess about, what has us hooked, and what our deep, deep – maybe even – hidden desires are) so you may want to consider distancing from that which has a pull on you.

Squares create a conflict within or between two people or two organizations – essentially rubbing up against two very different energies. This uncomfortable energy is what drives us to grow, and make changes!  Celebrate if you can. *wink*

As usual there are many layers to the astrological picture, and what is presenting most in your life at this New Moon is what is calling your attention. When we actually honor this calling, we can’t be let down. So, onward, Beautiful Souls!

*New Moon with Wendy Groomes is a recurring segment.

You can find me www.heartmindbodyandsoul.net or on Facebook.