A podcast for global connection and dialogue
in service to the rising tide of change, with a feminine twist.

Money, Money, Money!

MONEY:  In what will most likely be a topic we revisit because it’s so very hot, Toni + Kate take a dive into What, exactly is Money?  How does it operate?  And how do we relate to it?

Both Kate and Toni share about their upbringings, stumbling blocks, and perhaps even – moments of “winning” in their personal relationships with money.

We explore systems of money, money as a vitalizing force, paradigm constructs like the patriarchy, trickle-down theory, and proving worthiness through excelling at the game of debt.

We explore moving from living a life of survival to a life of thriving.

We touch upon soul-purpose and how that might relate to net worth.

We question humanity’s agreement on what money actually is, what it means, and what it provides.

And – we’re curious:  what is Money to you?  What does it mean for you and how do you interact with it?  Let us know in the comment sections on your favorite podcast platform or toss us a note via our website or social media.

Join us for this financial appetizer as we begin to explore Money – a facet of the modern human experience which just about everyone on our planet must engage with.